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A one-act play about the unexpected encounter between a boy with divorced parents and a stranger who turns out to be his future stepfather.

The Script Is Written In English


( Dim lights on, indicating dusk.

Grave winds penetrate the pedestrians’ bodies, even distorting that yellowish sunlight which dimly shines through the trees.

Everyone is hastily making rapid steps towards their homes.

A boy wearing a knitted hat is sitting on the park bench in silence and sorrow at the center of the stage.

A “NO SMOKING” sign is displayed nearby. )


(Stomp to the bench, sitting oppressively on the other side of the bench, try to light up a cigarette several times, smoking)


(Annoyed) Hey, mister!


(No response)


(More annoyed, frown) Hey! Mister!!


(Sit up as if suddenly awaken) Hi, hmm..yeah, I mean...... Yeah, What’s up?


(With impatience) Could you please put out that fucking cigarette?


(Sigh, on the double) Alright alright, I’ll do it right now. (Stub out the cigarette) But man, there’s no need to be so mean, (dry coughs) I mean, yeah you may be too...frustrated? You can literally sit anywhere else.


I’m fucked up, and don’t you see that “NO SMOKING” sign? (Point to the sign) Are you American?


(Ashamed to see that sign) Oh! Excuse me, eh, you know, in the place I was from, that wasn’t a thing.


Fuck it, never mind.


(Long silence, winds getting strong)



Hey, thank you for that, and why are you... (air quotes) “fucked up”?


(Down the hat to keep it from being blown from strong winds) You don’t wanna know.


(Sigh) Alright, teenage boys.


(Long silence, MAN stands up wanting to leave)



My hat!!! (Get up to chase after the hat being blown away by the wind)


(Just reach hands out to catch the hat, passing it to BOY) Here, man.


(Awkwardly receive the hat) Thank you, mister.


No worries. (Exhale) See you, man. (Walk towards the edge of the stage)


(After seconds, calling) Hey, sir! you know what? A friend of mine...(hesitating, holding the hat deciding not to put it up)


(Stop, gently smile) What?


(Hesitating) You know, a friend of mine... he, I mean, his parents got divorced.


So what? That’s what you’re angry for and just said that F word to me?


Yeah, no no it’s not. Hmm, sorry for that, but... don’t you wanna... You know, I’m saying that, eh. (Whisper) Fuck it. (Deep breath) I mean, I’d like to find a person to talk to.


OK, I’m glad to. You know there are kids around there (point to the playground nearby), maybe we can sit at that table so that we can face each other.


(Thinking) Hmm... yeah, I guess that would work.


(Both of them go to the other side of the stage in silence)



(Move eyes to the corner) Here’s the thing. A friend of mine, his parents got divorced, like, two years ago.


And now?


Now his mother got him a stepfather, and, he has never met him before, you know. And... and I, (take a short glance at MAN), no, my friend, now, he got his dad’s call hours ago, and his father asked him about how is that man like or something. And he totally could not stand it, and, and then he had an argument with his mom and he then, just, left home, you know?


(Nod) Hmm, sounds not good, and?



And now it ends, that’s all.


(Shrug) Well, I expected a more dramatic story, this is literally not a qualified play. And what’s that have to do with you?


How’s that have nothing to do with me? He, he...(blushed) He is my friend!


Well, for God’s sake, is that just why you are so frustrated? That sounds not credible to me, I mean, how can you be so mad about it?


(Blushed and take a straight look at MAN’s face) Sure! He’s my best friend, you know?


Alright, alright. (Look at BOY sympathetically) Maybe you can tell me a little bit more things so that I can better understand your, your friend?


Better not, I expected you to be empathetic without the details.


Come on, you don’t have to be so mean again. Isn’t that you who hope to find a person to talk to?


(Pout) Now you sound like my auntie. (Winds scratch the branches above them for a while)


(Silent for seconds) Well, maybe after you tell me more about your feelings, or your friend’s feelings, I can be more empathetic? At least to you?


(Exhale) OK. About two years ago, m... his parents got divorced, and it happened all of a sudden because he had never heard his parents fighting or anything.


Well, great job to the parents, they cared about their kid’s mental health.


My friend then saw a bunch of psychologists and was asked a bunch of stupid questions, (irritable) “this side is your mom and this side is your dad, and how will you choose?” “Would you describe your similarity to your mom and your dad?” “Do you think your dad is paying more attention to you or is that your mom?” Just silly things moved around his ears, whether at home, at school, or even in the dreams, he, he cannot even desire for a good night dream you know? That’s how his life was like for, like six months, and finally the judge sent a letter and said, (imitate to use an eerie adult voice) “considering blablabla, Ms.Garcia now owns the custody for Mike”, that is my friend’s name. That shit thing now just sounds like, like, like shit!


Wow, interesting details. Eh, Garcia, Garcia... (Thinking) And your friend, Mike? Is he alright now?


Of course not! He thought life would be easier after that shitty thing, and to tell you now, he doesn’t even give a fuck about the divorce, he just doesn’t wanna contact his father to bring up all that shit again.


Alright, I understand his point? But that lacks your participation, I guess?


(Ignore) But that changed, his mother told him seriously that she had a boyfriend, which means he may have a stepfather now, and probably they are gonna meet tonight.


That’s totally embarrassing.


And he was bothered by that, but he received a call from his father, who asked another bunch of stupid questions after quick greetings, “what’s the guy like?” “does he have a good temper?” “do you like the guy?” Jesus Christ, how can that guy just appear again and act so dumb? Then, my friend, just awkwardly said “I haven’t even met him yet”, and he hung up the phone quickly. Gosh, I want to kill that shit.


You are being so empathetic. But how does his father know about that? About his ex-wife?


(Blush and shrug) Who knows? I just want to chop off those strange relationships. Anyway, my friend got mad and ran out of his room. Finally, he angrily yelled at his mom and left home without a word.


Bad ending, and how do you know it? Did he tell you?


Yeah, and that’s how I got worried because, (thinking) because I cannot find him.


OK, I believe your friend is gonna be back home soon, he’s not a small child, right?


Maybe, but, but how can I be sure? He, I can’t contact him now.


You mean he didn’t reply to your text?


(Take a glance at the ground) Yeah, yes. He’s my best friend!


Calm down, alright? I’m sure there’s a way to find him. Before that, you need to calm down, I believe you don’t want to be a second person like him? Hey, kid, look at me, may I know your name?


Mik...(realize something) Michael, you can call me that.


OK, Michael. Thank you for trusting me and telling me all about that. You said your friend, left home and lost contact with everyone, right?




So his mom’s probably the busiest one, and she must be doing something now, right? It is certain that your friend Mike is gonna come back home.


(Thinking) Sounds correct.


So let’s just pretend he has come back home, nothing to worry about, OK?


Hmm... OK.


And maybe we can discuss about your friend, see if we can do something for him?


That’s what I expect.


Let’s just say you were him, and your parents got divorced and you are about to meet your stepfather, what are you gonna do about that?


......Nothing? Hell if I know. If I knew the answer, why would I just talk to you about it?


Hmm......(thinking) Well, I’d tell you that my parents got divorced too, I guess, thirty years ago? I was about your age. I chose to be with my father and he got me a stepmother.


(Expected) And what were you like? Did you fight with your dad?


I’d expect not. I admit that at first I did have some frustrations, but what could I do about it? I couldn’t ask my father to break up with that woman, that would be cruel to her.


(Laugh) Yeah, but if that were me, I’d be so depressed about it.


I know, teenage boys like you and me always have something to worry about, that’s just part of it.


(Laugh when hearing “like me”) But I’m surprised about how you came out of it so quickly, how did you do it? I mean, maybe I can bring some advice to my friend, you know?


God, I cannot even recall it. Let me think (thinking), I poured out my thoughts to the ants in my garden, to rivers that passed by my school, and even to the roof in my classroom when I was alone.


(Surprised) Wow! That’s unique!


(Laugh) Thank you for the compliment.


And what about your meeting with your stepmother? Was that embarrassing?


Absolutely yes. (Look straight at BOY) That must be the most embarrassing moment I had in my life.


(Expected) Just tell me more details, I’d like to hear about it.


Empathy for you. (Both of them laugh) Here, I sat at one side of the table, across the table was my stepmother. We were just facing with each other awkwardly. That minute was like a century long. My dad was introducing me to her, while I was just waiting for the waiter to come so that I could face the menu instead of the table.


I get it.


And you know what the first word I spoke to her? I said, “hi, Miss, your necklace looks beautiful”. (Laugh loudly)


And what happened next? Did she say “your tie looks beautiful too?”(Laugh too)


(Wild laugh) No, she looked at me and said, “hi”. Those two lines were all the thing we said that day.


I guess she felt embarrassed just like you, right?


Yeah, do you want to learn more about our second meeting?


(Glad) Yeah!


We met at our home, I got out of my room, seeing my dad was taking her hand leading her inside the door, she smiled at me, and I smiled at her as well.


She must be a good person.


Yeah, we sat and I tasted the meal she cooked, I’d say that was far better than my dad’s cooking. She even took me for shopping the next day.


That’s sweet of her. But did your mother, like, ask you about her?


(Shrug) Man, I don’t understand why humans are so willing to hear about their ex-husband’s or ex-wife’s life. For the first time I picked up that weird call, I said nothing. But when I received that call days after, I told her that everything is fine, my stepmother is good.



Oh, I wish I could do that, I mean, my friend.


So let’s take another guess, maybe your friend’s dad was just taking care of him? Maybe that dad is worried he will hear the kid say the guy is bad, because no fathers would hope their kids are having a problem. I just figured that out when I heard your description of your friend’s father. He is, maybe just wants to prove that he cares about his kid, even if they are apart. But one thing is true, we don’t want your friend to have bad memories, so maybe those thoughts brought him too much anxiety.


Yeah, maybe you’re right. (Keep silent for a while, worried) But how can my friend make up for the worries he brought to his mom? How can he speak to her?


(Look at BOY, with no hesitation) Just tell her what he thought about, nothing can take place, trust me. Like I told you, no parents would like their children having problems. Just let your friend tell her how things went, and he will not get blamed for something, his mother will understand him, that’s why she called up her courage to tell him about it, she is prepared, I think.


(Deem for seconds) Yeah, I’ll take that, probably for him, I guess he’ll also agree with me.


(Look at BOY for seconds) Now we have figured out your friend’s problems, his dad, his mom, even his stepfather. If you think I’m making some good points, you may talk to your friend if you can. (Smile gently)


One more thing, mister? (Look into MAN’s eyes)


(Smile) What?


Do you think my friend is gonna have a good relationship with his stepfather?


My answer would be yes. Take myself for example, I had never argued with my stepmother, like you said, she is kind, even if she had a child with my dad, that is my little brother, she still paid attention to me as if I were her own child. (Recalling with eyes of warmth)


(Exhale) Now I feel comforted, for my friend, I mean.


Well, if my words have such magic, I’m glad to help.


(Long silence, both looking at different places)



Hey, Michael? Do you wanna say a few words as if your friend were here?


(Thinking) Yeah, but, how?


(Shout out into the distance) Stay strong! Mike!


(Join) Stay strong! Mike!!


(Shout out) Never give up! Mike!


(Gasp) Thanks a lot, mister. You really helped me and my friend a lot.


No worries, and also, thank you for your spirit, that cheers me up, too. You know what? I’m about to do something that I was reluctant to do, but thanks to you, I am now energetic. (Take BOY’s hat, put it onto BOY’s head, then make steps to leave)


(Stare at MAN’s back) And what’s that?


To meet my girlfriend’s kid, his name, I guess, is probably (air quotes) Michael Garcia. (Wave) See you, man.


(Lights off)

Job: writing the script

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